As promised, Part 2 of the 7 habits of highly effective
lovers has come upon us. Just in case you missed part 1 click here otherwise
let us jump straight into the fray.
4. Think win-win
Now many times when those we love refuse to click our vibe,
we often get hurt. Some of us even cry. But why should we? It’s not that the
world is going to come to an end because some girl said no when you tried
approaching or some boy is too slow to as the lawyers will say take judicial
notice of your coy blushes. So there’s no reason why you should sit there and
mourn. You surely deserve better than that. Whether she yes or she says no, and
whether he takes judicial notice of the blushing or he doesn’t. The truth is there
is nothing to lose but everything to win. So stop being a loser and just become
the winner you’re supposed to be. Just step out and be happy no matter what
he/she feels about you.